Do you have the experience &/or education as a – Fitness or Personal Trainer or – are a current student/graduate of Kinesiology, Physiotherapy or – work as an Assistant in a Physiotherapy Clinic looking for a different experience ? Are you Looking To Become A MOBILE PERSONAL TRAINER (MPT) or MOBILE PHYSIO ASSISTANT (MPA) or BOTH If Qualified ? CLUBB CANADA is looking for you to choose an Area or Area(s) in the GTA. You select the Greater Toronto Area(s)/Communit(ies) you want to serve Part-time growing to Full-time. Serving Clients & Patients in the GTA (MAP displayed). (Display MAP Here)
Interested Candidates applying for a Contract Position please check the Box for the Area(s)/Communities you want & are willing to serve Clients &/or Patients on the DIGITAL RESUME FORM (listed at the bottom of this page).
Mobile Physio Assistant (MPA)
You provide the regular Days & Times you are available monthly to provide care to our Patients in their homes, condos & apartments. You choose the area(s) you want to service in the GTA.
Create a rewarding physiotherapy experience for your Patients. Strive to help the Patient to ease their discomfort and improve their mobility
Mobile Personal Trainer (MPT)
You provide the regular Days & Times you are available monthly to train or coach Clients in their homes, condos, etc.
Create a rewarding fitness experience for your Client. Strive to help the Client achieve their fitness goals in their Home, Condo, Apartment or Business.